Heidy Huwiler


Heidy Huwiler


Welcome to my homepage.

I have been making music since I was 5 years old and have learned to play various instruments. With the clarinet it was love at first sight and it has remained so until today. On my page you will find information about me, my teaching philosophy and my activities.

Current dates


Come ye singers

4:30 PM, Church Staufen AG

Further projects will be announced


Reading notes and learning sounds; making the music you like together; improvising – of course, my lessons include all of that. And much more. From years of experience with big and small people and from myself, I know the challenges and hurdles very well and also have a solutions and help for them.


Architects of Music

Every child should have the opportunity to dance and to make music – this is my innermost conviction.

Architects of Music is a German-Ugandan organisation which fosters children and youth from Ugandas rural areas in the community and in their individual promotion of their artistic talent on their way to an independent existence as a performing artist.

Heidy Huwiler

About me

Heidy Huwiler is a freelance musician, clarinet/saxopone teacher and managing director of VAM.

The clarinettist studied in Zurich and Lucerne and attended various master classes with Philippe Cupper, Alessandro Carbonare, Martin Fröst and Sharon Kam, among others, as well as klezmer workshops in Israel and Germany.